"Close to Meta Loaf, "Beth Out Of Hell" is just a good hard rock/pop/symphonic record."
The Murder Of My Sweet... that's a strange name. This umpteenth Swedish band certainly enjoyed the 1944 American movie "Murder, My Sweet" ("Adieu, Ma Belle") - adaptation of a Raymond Chandler novel - to the point of remembering it 62 years later when they formed because the band claims to play cinematic rock. "Beth Out Of Hell", their third album, has just hit our decks.
Daniel Flores is still at the controls, those of the keyboards, those of the drums and those of the production, once again accompanied by Angelica Rylin to whom he generously leaves the microphone. Only the bass player is finally new in the club. It is serenaded on the Web that this opus is a concept-album whose theme is the love experienced by one of Lucifer's daughters for the archangel Gabriel. The titles follow one another in a fade in and fade out, with sound effects and voice-overs in their interstices.
This album, once again, surprises by its stylistic impregnation. Indeed, unlike "Divanity" which was of melodic hard rock obedience and "Bye Bye Lulaby" which flirted with the hard rock FM pop, "Beth Out Of Hell" plays it hard rock/pop symphonic and progressive. It is highly probable that specialists will have noticed that "Beth Out Of Hell" sounds a bit like "Bat Out Of Hell", the first album released in 1977 by Meat Loaf. This resemblance is not necessarily fortuitous, so much so that one could believe from listening to this opus that Jim Steinman, who wrote Meat Loaf's greatest hits, visited Daniel Flores.
Thirteen tracks await you here, for more than an hour and ten minutes of music. The tone is more hard rock than metal. Symphonic and progressive, it includes frequent forays into melodic pop but the ambiences are nevertheless darker than those in the previous essays. Unfortunately, apart from the first three tracks following the intro and a melodically memorable 'Humble Servant', one is bored, especially on 'Requiem For A Ghost' and 'Means To An End', the two ten-minute tracks of the concept. The concern probably comes from the melodic inspiration - the melodies are much more anecdotal than the ones we were used to - but also from the fact that the mixing of the album makes the bass and guitar almost inaudible. Indeed, the drums and synths absorb the whole sound space, letting Angelica only few moments to express herself.
So here's a third album that misses the mark. Daniel Flores will have to find inspiration again if he doesn't want his project to be forgotten. - Official website
01. Hell On Earth 02. The Awakening 03. World In Ashes 04. Always The Fugitive 05. Bitter Love 06. Still 07. The Humble Servant 08. Requiem For A Ghost 09. Euthanasia 10. Tide After Tide 11. Poets By Default 12. Heaven Succumb 13. Means To An End
Angelica Rylin: Chant Christopher Vetter: Guitares Daniel Flores: Chant / Claviers / Batterie Patrik Janson: Basse
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Hum, je ne suis pas d'accord avec la chronique. C'est un très bon album où l'on retrouve beaucoup des traits de Mind's eye, grand oublié. Les premiers albums étaient à mon gout trop pop, ça flirtait avec le mauvais gout, à essayer de faire du populaire à la Evanescence, il n'en sortait rien d’extraordinaire.
Ici, le ton est beaucoup plus personnel, pour moi, c'est du métal progressif/FM, à la Mind's eye. Je pense qu'après la dissolution de Mind's eye (le chanteur s'étant barré), Daniel Flores avait quelque composition dans les cartons qu'il a utilisé pour MoMS. On retrouve la son emprunte, beaucoup plus que sur les albums précédents, et c'est pas un mal. Alors oui, il faut aimé Daniel Flores, mais pour tout fan de Mind's eye, Xsavior, c'est album vaudra le détour.
Dernier point, la prod. C'est vrai qu'il a fait mieux ... les guitares sont trop haut médium, ça fait mal aux oreilles parfois et la basse un peu trop derrière ... ce serait la le seul point négatif que je trouverais à cet album. 4/5 pour moi!
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3.5/5 (2 view(s))