"Less Roots and constant than "Green River", less varied than "Willy And The Poor Boys", "Cosmo's Factory" does not demerit for all that by presenting a Creedence Clearwater Revival sure of itself and in full possession of its capacities."
Building on the success of their singles, Fogerty has been writing non-stop. And as the band entered the studio to record their fifth album, which remains their biggest sale to date, four of its tracks had already been released to support the new tour. If 1969 saw Creedence Clearwater Revival release three studio albums, two of which were very sturdy, 1970 got off to a similarly start and "Cosmo's Factory" was to be a worldwide success upon its release in July.
It's quite simple, out of its 11 tracks, 8 of them appear regularly in the majority of the band's current best of. And it is 'Ramble Tamble' which opens the album with its seven minutes and its long instrumental part. Changes of tempo, atmospheres and guitar plans, we could almost speak about a progressive piece.
In addition to this flawless track, there is a fast 'Travelin' Band' which is a bit 'Good Golly Miss Molly', the nervous single with the eternal opening riff 'Up Around The Band', a bouncy 'Lookin' Out My Back Door' which will remain one of the best compositions of the band or the touching and ethereal 'Who'll Stop the Rain' and the wild and oppressive 'Run Through The Jungle', both of which are clearly against the Vietnam conflict.
The covers are again more numerous with the basic 'Before You Accuse Me' of Bo Diddley which was in the band's boxes since 1968, the cheerful 'Ooby Dooby', the classic 'My Baby Left Me' and the ultimate paving stone of the band, an interminable 11 minutes 'I Heard It Trough The Grapevine'.
Less roots and constant than "Green River", less varied than "Willy And The Poor Boys", "Cosmo's Factory" doesn't demerit for all that by presenting a Creedence Clearwater Revival sure of himself and in full possession of his capacities, a band at its zenith, a summit very quickly reached but preceding an ineluctably fall. - Official website
01. Ramble Tamble 02. Before You Accuse Me 03. Travelin' Band 04. Ooby Dooby 05. Lookin' Out My Back Door 06. Run Through The Jungle 07. Up Around The Bend 08. My Baby Left Me 09. Who'll Stop The Rain 10. I Heard It Through The Grapevine 11. Long As I Can See The Light
Doug Clifford: Basse / Batterie John Fogerty: Chant / Guitares Stu Cook: Basse / Batterie Tom Fogerty: Chant / Basse
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