"Without revolutionizing the band's style while bringing some slight evolutions, "We Are Legend" is part of the continuity of the previous opus."
A lot of things happened since the release of Magenta's 6th studio album, "The Twenty Seven Club". In addition to the illness that affected Christina Booth, the members of the group have plunged into other projects: Tributes to Mike Oldfied for Rob Reed (2 volumes of "Sanctuary", production of Les Penning's album), a new solo album for Christina, the latter also taking part in the "Masquerade 20" tour as a backing singer for Pendragon. So it was with a certain freshness of spirit that the band set the stage again, completed by Jon Griffiths behind the drums and Dan Nelson on bass.
With only three tracks, "We Are Legend" proposes to take us into a post-apocalyptic conceptual universe, probably in reference to Francis Lawrence's famous movie of almost the same name, "I Am Legend". Magenta, the last survivors of the prog?
Still, the 26 minutes of 'Trojan' will quickly plunge the listener into the heart of the matter. Blending the best of "Revolutions" and "Seven", this epic track is beautifully carried by a vigorous and inspired drums, with superb syncopations in the opening and closing choruses. The numerous themes follow one another in a very natural way, each more inspired than the other, with a judicious balance between instrumental and vocals parts, the latter being as usual magnificently served by a Christina at her best.
The sound is enormous, especially in the symphonic choruses from which the solo guitar, accompanied by a dynamic bass, emerges. Its listening is a real pleasure, as few groups can boast of not considering this instrument as a simple rhythmic marker, all the more so as the production allows to distinguish all its nuances.
After such a piece, the two other tracks are more complicated to approach. The coherence of the different sections of 'Colours' is at first glance not very obvious. There is a Pink Floyd's style part, straight out of 'Shine on You Crazy Diamond', placed in the middle of the traditional sounds and themes of Magenta. The effect is a bit weird, especially when the band goes back to its original theme at the end of this section. As for 'Legend', it is a complex piece, including many theme breaks, intensity, and also some dissonant harmonies not very obvious to approach after the extreme fluidity proposed by the real progressive symphony placed at the opening of the album.
In addition to Magenta's already very rich discography, "We Are Legend" is part of the continuity of the previous opus. Without revolutionizing the band's style while bringing some slight evolutions, this new production reinforces Magenta's place at the top of the genre. Rob Reed skillfully avoids the repeating while keeping this so singular coloration which makes each new discographic effort endearing and attractive. - Official website
01. Trojan 02. Colours 03. Legend
Chris Fry: Guitares Christina Booth: Chant Dan Nelson: Basse Jon Griffiths: Batterie Rob Reed: Guitares / Claviers
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