"By choosing to question themselves rather than choose commercial ease as with "Nine Lives", Von Hertzen Brothers refound the inspiration of their best achievements."
We had left the Von Hertzen brothers on an encouraging "New Day Rising" that put the Finns back in the wake of their ascent after a less sharp and more consensual "Nine Lives". For their seventh album "War Is Over", the brothers joined the very active label Mascot and recorded the return of drummer Sami Kuoppamäki already at the drumsticks on "Approach" in 2006.
To compose this "War Is Over", the three brothers have chosen isolation by taking turns retiring to the small island Söderskär in order to bring their own personnality. Mikko, for example, has drawn on his past in India to write the lyrics and bring some oriental tones ('To The End Of The World', 'Blindsight' and the guitar guitars of 'Long Lost Sailor') and Kie proves his desire and total freedom by placing solos in almost every song for the first time.
The seventh Von Hertzen Brothers is completely in line with the trio's most fertile and adventurous period, with "Approach" and "Love Remains The Same" as milestones, the one that knows no limits in creation. "War Is Over" fulfils all expectations by sweeping across a wide range of formats, from the acoustic guitar-voice with strings on a clean 'Wanderlust' to the elaborate and ambitious composition of the eponymous opening track. The latter, by its subject, its epic dimension and its duration, new to the trio, immediately gives density and depth to the record.
Between these two boundaries, the music practiced by the tribe diffracts into a wide spectrum of tonalities and styles ranging from the most direct with easily assimilated rock tracks like 'Frozen Butterflies', the orientalizing 'Blindsight' or the music of 'The Arsonist' to the groove breathed by a breathtaking Sami Kuoppamäki on the whole record, to the most uplifting with 'Beyond The Storm' which closes the album on a cathartic flight. The brothers mobilize their classical influences to give a slightly retro hue to the sounds through the use of exuberant and vintage keyboards like in the homeric 'Jerusalem', the almost disco dancing sensation 'Long Lost Sailor' or the evolutive 'Who Are You' with 80's echoes. The care taken in the finishing touches consolidates Von Hertzen's distinctive signature in the subtle symphonic arrangements (the strings of 'Blindsight', 'Beyond The Storm', combined with the piano on the sublime 'Who Are You?') and in the majestic choirs that make the trinomial the worthy legatees of Queen ('War Is Over', 'Long Lost Sailor' and 'Beyond The Storm').
By choosing to question themselves rather than choose commercial ease as with "Nine Lives", Von Hertzen Brothers refound the impressive inspiration of their best achievements. It even surpasses them in terms of coherence, expression of emotions and variety. "War Is Over" puts Von Hertzen Brothers at the top of his game. - Official website
01. War Is Over-12:33 02. To The End Of The World-05:07 03. The Arsonist-03:53 04. Jerusalem-05:41 05. Frozen Butterflies-04:03 06. Who Are You?-05:40 07. Blindsight-05:51 08. Long Lost Sailor-04:27 09. Wanderlust-03:55 10. Beyond The Storm-08:29
Jonne Von Hertzen : Chant / Basse Kie Von Hertzen : Chant / Guitares Mikko Von Hertzen : Chant / Guitares Sami Kuoppamäki: Batterie
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