"The band's fans won't be lost and should enjoy, like the others, this progressive metal opus tinged with atmosphere."
The consistency of Kingcrow's albums since "Phlegethon" in 2010 makes us scrutinize their releases with impatience and envy. "The Persistence", the Italians' seventh album, is therefore one of the attractions of this autumn 2018 and one of the most awaited progressive metal albums of the year.
The first two tracks of "The Persistence" take up the solid foundations that the Romans have been building for several years with melodic and incisive progressive metal. Variations of rhythms, breaks, swaying vocal lines, complex rhythmics and immediate melodies enamel the album and the energetic intro 'Drenched'. With 'Closer', inspired by the same melodic crucible, Kingcrow offers us an unstoppable chorus supported by the choruses of all the musicians in a magnificent unity. The riffs are intoxicating and the snoring bass is reminiscent of Massive Attack in a more atmospheric way, a trend that can also be found on 'Everything Goes' or 'Every Broken Pieces Of Me', which also make room for trip-hop ambiences and electro keyboards.
Having become masters of riffs during the very elaborate choruses, the transalpine musicians fully assert their musical identity with a unique sound and a style that is now immediately recognizable. The multiple voices on the refrains, the very expressive vocals of Diego Marchesi, the obvious complicity of the two guitarists and the complementarity of the rhythm section are the fruit of a masterful work. Each track is chiselled, supported by a magnificent production (signed by guitarist Diego Cafolla), of a rare melodic richness and enamelled with clever gimmicks giving a unique colour to Kingcrow's music.
From then on, it's difficult to classify this album in a category, so many recognizable influences are assimilated to make "The Persistence" an album of almost perfect balance and great maturity. If the purists will reproach a less progressive turn - 'Folding Paper Dreams' and 'The Persitence' are still very much impregnated with this style - or some too visible "borrowings" (Anathema for example), poignantly written tracks like 'Father' or 'Perfectly Imperfect' will convince the listener to press the play button again.
At the heart of the album, 'Devil's Got A Picture' starts shyly, but furiously accelerates the rhythm before coming back down smoothly and creating an almost perfect sequence with the moving 'Night's Desending'. Masterfully interpreted by Daniel Gildenlöw, the charismatic singer of Pain Of Salvation (with whom Kingcrow shared a European tour in the autumn of 2018) and Diego Marchesi, this song takes the album to new heights of intensity and shows that the Italians have reached a new level.
Coming out of a trilogy completed in 2016 with "Eidos", Kingcrow seems to be freed from a writing style and "The Persistence" allows them to explore another facet of metal while bringing their very personal style to it. The band's fans won't be lost and should enjoy, like the others, this progressive metal opus tinged with atmosphere. - Official website
01. Drenched 02. Closer 03. Everything Goes 04. Folding Paper Dreams 05. The Persistence 06. Every Broken Piece Of Me 07. Devil's Got A Picture 08. Night's Descending 09. Father 10. Perfectly Imperfect 11. Timeshift Box 12. Fading Out PT.III 13. Phlegethon
Cristian Della Polla: Claviers Diego Cafolla: Guitares / Choeurs Diego Marchesi: Chant / Choeurs Ivan Nastasi: Guitares / Choeurs Riccardo Nifosi: Basse Thundra Cafolla: Batterie / Percussions
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