""Who Do You Trust?" is a collection of tracks that sound pretty good with a certain softness goes everywhere that doesn't suffer from any major flaws but that doesn't really have any breath or interest."
While Papa Roach had made himself known and recognized on the Nu metal scene, the evolutions perceived in the last albums seemed to take them further and further away from their origins. "Croocked Teeth" took little risk, insisting again on this evolution with its share of titles formatted to achieve success and a large audience, without much risk. Still on a frenetic pace, not letting the bellows , the Californians are already releasing their tenth album with "Who Do You Trust?
This time the moult seems complete. The sound is more pop than ever, with the saturated guitars clearly in the background, Papa Roach keeps some assets up his sleeve but no longer even tries to fit into the DNA of his early days. Among the assets, we would particularly like to acknowledge Jacoby Shaddix's performance, whose voice, flow and timbre easily adapt to the diversity of songs that have no coherence except for the voice and the ever more marked search to strike where it is necessary to please. A strong sense of musical and popular efficiency is evident, undeniable and even the foundation of this album even if it means pushing fans in search of a musical identity. However, there will be some sleeve effects and visits to a commercial and particularly accessible hip-hop.
Whether it's with'The Ending', more electric and'Who Do You Trust', cut for the stage with its riff that makes crowds jump, or'Top Of The World', composed to seduce MTV and the energetic'I Suffer We!!!!', the only explosive track, the album demonstrates Papa Roach's alternative and rapping character. Apart from that, we're dealing with soft electro pop or alternative pop that's a bit silly (' Not The Only One') or pleasant ('Elevate') or even FM rock (' Feel Like Home'). There is even a ballad that could have been signed by any popular band such as Twenty-One Pilots or Imagine Dragons ('Problems'). From that to saying that Papa Roach lost his soul only a step away. In any case, the group seems to be taking its new path and finally it is its strictest right.
"Who Do You Trust?" is therefore a collection of tracks that sound pretty good with a certain softness goes everywhere that doesn't suffer from any major flaws but that doesn't really have any breath or interest. - Official website
01. The Ending 02. Renegade Music 03. Not The Only One 04. Who Do You Trust? 05. Elevate 06. Come Around 07. Feel Like Home 08. Problems 09. Top Of The World 10. I Suffer Well 11. Maniac 12. Better Than Life
Jacoby Shaddix : Chant Jerry Horton : Guitares Tobin Esperance: Basse Tony Palermo : Batterie
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