"As crazy as the previous ones, "The Chosen One" is in line with Destrage's talented albums."
"A Means to End" had marked a small revolution in the crazy world of the Destrage Italians. Less crazy than its predecessors, the 2016 delivery opened a new chapter in Milanese discography and we were eager to know what direction it would take afterwards.
Those who follow the band for a few years know that one of the major objectives of Matteo Di Gioia and his band is to make sure that all their albums are different from each other, albums on which it is impossible to put a clear and precise kind.
For the occasion, the band once again put itself in danger, especially in the composition, by going out of its comfort zone (if the band has one) and enlisted the services of the talented and now great name Josh Wilbur (Megadeth, Korn, Gojira... for the most famous) to mix and master the record. The result is again unsurprising, Destrage throws 8 melodrama bombs at us, starting with the furious "The Chosen One", totally crazy in its structure and which finds a longer development in its counterpart "The Gifted One" which closes the whole.
In the meantime, fans of the madness Destrage will find their marks on 'About That' or 'Headache and Crumbs' which have made the band's crazy recipe popular with these avalanches of schizophrenic guitar solos and Paolo Colavolpe's diabolical singing, but also 'Hey, Stranger' where the Italians prove that they have also become masters in the composition of heady choruses.
If apart from these few examples, madness may seem less obvious at first glance, Destrage never stops exploring and experimenting as shown by "Rage, My Alibi" where we find electro beats as the band likes to add in its sound eruptions or Luca T Mai de Zu's amazing saxophone solo on "Mr. Bugman" and in a totally opposite register, the keyboards of jazzman Fabio Visocchi notably on the final "The Gifted One".
In the end, and failing to be the chosen choice in a discography now rich in five albums, "The Chosen One" is in line with the talented albums of Destrage that any lover of the melodious style in its broadest sense in general and the band in particular must possess. - Official website
01. The Chosen One 02. About That 03. Hey, Stranger ! 04. At the Cost of Pleasure 05. Mr. Bugman 06. Rage, My Alibi 07. Headache and Crumbs 08. The Gifted One
Federico Paulovich: Batterie Gabriel Pignata: Basse Matteo Di Gioia: Guitares Paolo Colavolpe: Chant Ralph Salati: Guitares
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