"In twelve varied and flawless tracks, Beth Hart has just confirmed that she is the queen of modern blues-rock and that she reigns supreme."
Three years after a "Fire On The Floor" (2016) that saw her rise to a new level of recognition, and a "Black Coffee" (2018) alongside Joe Bonamassa, Beth Hart is back with her new solo opus, the tenth in the studio, entitled "War In My Mind". This war in the artist's mind is the war she waged against her demons, her illness, her wounds, and if Beth Hart has always been an honest and authentic artist, she wields herself here as rarely. Produced by Rob Cavallo (Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Alanis Morissette...) with whom she almost worked on "Leave The Light On" (2003), this new opus is likely to be a milestone in the career of the blues-rock star and quite simply in the history of this musical genre.
After a dynamic introduction with pop-jazz accents reminiscent of Jamie Cullum ('Bad Woman Blues'),'War In My Mind' is only the first ballad of an album that is composed for more than half of his tracks. Beth Hart confides in her bipolarity by offering a melancholic and tortured work alternating between despair and hopeful flights. Because it is the strength of this opus that shows both depth and variety despite its high number of quiet tracks. Indeed, calm does not mean monotonous and sanitized, and the artist proves it by delivering a lively and emotional performance alternating between delicacy and tears. Sometimes jazzy and intimate ('Without Words In The Way'), other times on the borderline of blues, jazz and classical music in the style of George Gershwin by alternating moods ('Woman Down'), it is without blush that she gives herself up.
The most delicate pieces deal with her deceased sister ('Sister Dear') with a deep emotion, or in a more positive way, with all the thanks that the artist wants to offer to his loved ones, to life and to his creator ('Thankful'). Darker and more dramatic,'Rub Me For Luck' shows a great dramatic intensity by alternating desperate verses and heart-rending choruses while 'I Need A Hero' closes the whole in a somewhat disillusioned but always delicate way. In the middle of this falsely calm ocean, "Let It Grow" relies on gospel choirs for a controlled rise in power towards a sky full of hopes. 'Try A Little Harder' deals with Beth's father's gambling addiction with a form of playful humour in a pop-jazz atmosphere with variations worthy of Supertramp. 'Spanish Lullabies' acts as a sunny break between two melancholic tracks and 'Sugar Shack' rushes straight ahead like an energetic and catchy pop-rock train.
In twelve varied and flawless tracks, Beth Hart has just confirmed that she is the queen of modern blues-rock and that she reigns supreme. This opus is of a blinding beauty, providing emotions as deep as intense. What is certain is that it will take the tightest of hearts to resist the feelings triggered by this collection of titles, each more essential than the next. - Official website
01. Bad Woman Blues - 3:35 02. War In My Mind - 4:22 03. Without Words In The Way - 4:37 04. Let It Grow - 4:51 05. Try A Little Harder - 3:52 06. Sister Dear - 3:34 07. Spanish Lullabies - 3:28 08. Rub Me For Luck - 4:32 09. Sugar Shack - 3:58 10. Woman Down - 5:48 11. Thankful - 4:24 12. I Need A Hero - 5:01
Beth Hart : Chant / Claviers / Piano Chris Chaney: Basse Jamie Muhoberac: Claviers Rob Cavallo: Guitares Tim Pierce: Guitares Vinnie Colaiuta: Batterie
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@TOCDE, je ne partage pas ton point de vue. J'ai découvert récemment Beth Hart, en commençant par son superbe album You Still Got Me, et découvre en ce moment War In My Mind. Cet album est intimiste et excellent, un album plein de maturité et il me semble le contraire de soporifique. Il n'y a pas besoin de guitare, pour transmettre une émotion musicale. Plus j'écoute cette album et plus j'y distingue des nuances et plus je l'aime.
J'avais été déçu par ses derniers albums solos (je ne parle pas des live et de ceux avec Joe Bonamassa). Dotée d'une excellente voix et d'une forte présence scénique, Beth Hart s'éloigne un peu plus du blues-rock et continue à jouer la carte chanteuse de pop-soul-jazz, tendance Adèle ou Melody Gardot. . Ce disque essentiellement piano-voix (où sont passées les guitares ?) séduira, à n'en pas douter, un large public ce qui confortera (malheureusement à mon goût) l'artiste et son producteur dans leurs choix. l'album est soporifique à souhait , normalement , vous vous endormez au bout du quatrième morceau . Des ballades mièvres , souvent accompagnées au seul piano , aucun rythme . Et ou sont les fameux blues ? ne cherchez pas , il n'y en a pas . Reste la voix , mouais , mais ça ne suffit pas à faire un bon album . Beth Hart vieillit mal , elle ne va pas transpirer avec de telles chansons sur scène et elle nous fait de la variété pour radio , mais ce sera sans moi . Il reste heureusement ses premiers CD qui , eux , respirent le blues , mais quel gâchis !
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3.7/5 (3 view(s))
4.3/5 (3 view(s))
BETH HART (2019)
Music Waves went to meet a great rock lady to talk about her latest album, but also to talk about much more sensitive and personal topics, not without emotion!