"With the exception of "Rainbows", the titles lost between 1978 and 1981 of this "The Lost Songs" : 1978-1981" would have deserved to remain so."
Flagship band of the 80's hard rock scene, Dokken owes as much to its charismatic singer as to its legendary guitarist George Lynch. The former has rather disappeared from the radar while the latter is living a second youth with Dirty Shirley. Following the trend of exhuming old tracks from legendary bands, Avalon unearthed songs lost between 1978 and 1981, year of release of the first EP.
In order not to be bothered with useless (and expensive) embellishments, no remastering (or so little) and even less re-recording: the titles are delivered almost raw, and you can hear it. The sound is sometimes passable, sometimes borderline, even unworthy of a commercial release like 'Hit and Run'. Don Dokken's voice is distant, with an unpleasant resonance effect. Add to that a nearly non-existent mix and you feel like you're listening to demos recorded in a garage.
Will we find more fun on the composing side? Yes... and no. Yes, because there are some songs that are a bit like the Sunset Strip of the eighties (the aptly named 'Back in The Streets' or the virile riffs 'No Answer' and 'Hit and Run', or the sticky 'Broken Heart'). And no, because when you dig up old stuff that didn't find its place on the albums of the time, you can't expect to discover treasures. The band was still in the early stages of hard rock and these demos deserved to be discarded.
So, what to think of such a release in 2020? Not much good except nostalgia for an era that few manage to revive with today's technical means. This nostalgia can attract the unconditional fans of the band, Lynch or Don Dokken. As for the rest, there is not much to save, except perhaps the haunting and hypnotic 'Rainbows' with its Queensrÿche side, the only track worthy of appearing on a Dokken production of the time, or 'Prisonner', the live which closes the opus and whose sound is one of the most correct. For collectors only. - Official website
01. Step Into the Light 02. We’re Going Wrong 03. Day After Day 04. Rainbows 05. Felony 06. No Answer 07. Back In The Streets 08. Hit And Run 09. Broken Heart 10. Liar 11. Prisoner
Bill Lordan: Batterie BJ Zampa : Batterie Don Dokken: Chant / Guitares Gary Holland: Batterie George Lynch: Guitares Greg Leon: Guitares Greg Pecka: Batterie Jon Levin: Guitares Juan Croucier: Basse Mick Brown: Batterie Rustee Allen: Basse
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