""Dystopia", Royal Hunt's fifteenth album, is the equal of the magnificent "X" that the band gave us ten years ago!"
For 28 years Royal Hunt has been delivering progressive metal albums which are now fifteen with the latest one called "Dystopia". The average of one opus every two years is thus exceeded. The performance is more than notable, especially in this musical genre not inclined to a consequent productive generosity. "Devil's Dozen" (2015) and "Cast In Stone" (2018), the last two studio albums to date of the Danes had disappointed us. Royal Hunt seemed to be going in circles. It is therefore with a pleasure bathed in anxiety that we welcome this "Dystopia".
When we know that a dystopia tells a story taking shape in an imaginary society where it is impossible to achieve happiness, we tell ourselves that choosing such an album name in this dark year of 2020 is certainly not a coincidence. However, this concept-album is in no way based on a health crisis. It is inspired by a novel by Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, recounting the torments of a country subjected to the yoke of a dictatorship that condemns reading and burns books. This reference to a masterpiece of literature is therefore a good omen, and we are sure that Royal Hunt will be able to honor it.
As a personal matter, the group remained united around the two masters on board, DC Cooper at the microphone and André Andersen at the keyboards. However, a few personalities came to reinforce the quintet. They are Mark Boals, the singer who preceded Cooper before his return to Royal Hunt in 2011, Henrik Brockmann the first frontman of the group, and two other voices who worked at Narita and Candelmass, Kenny Lubcke and Mats Leven. The album lasts almost an hour, and let's say it without further ado, it is amazing !
It's quite simple, all that the Danes know how to do when they are in verve is back on this opus. From the symphonic impulses that send shivers down the spine to the progressive movements that carry you on a rollercoaster ride, from the luxuriance of the elegant melodious flights of fancy that remain ingrained in the mind to the sublime cinematic orchestrations that forcefully liberate images galore, it's all there. Emotionally poignant, with a majestic harmonic richness carried by sumptuous choruses, this metal-opera that subtly distils a tragic atmosphere is a perfect success. This intertwining of masterfully crafted titles would not allow one to extract a single one to put it forward. "Dystopia" is a whole, a block, a monolith.
Royal Hunt has finally come out of their reserve. Forgotten the recent disappointments, the coat of arms has just returned to its former glory. It's been ten years, since... "X", that the Danes didn't spoil us so much. So don't miss the return of the most classy progressive metal band on the planet! - Official website
01. Inception F°451 02. Burn 03. The Art Of Dying 04. I Used To Walk Alone 05. The Eye Of Oblivion 06. Hound Of The Damned 07. The Missing Page (Intermission I) 08. Black Butterflies 09. Snake Eyes 10. Midway (Intermission Ii)
Andre Andersen: Basse / Claviers Andreas ‘habo’ Johansson: Batterie Andreas Passmark: Basse Dc Cooper: Chant Jonas Larsen : Guitares Alexandra Andersen: Chant / Invité Henrik Brockmann: Chant / Invité Kenny Lubcke: Chant / Invité Mark Boals: Chant / Invité Mats Leven: Chant / Invité
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