"Reminiscent of old Venom and Motörhead, "Cursed By Thy Kingom" is a good slice of heavy metal, direct and primary."
Newcomer to Century Media, Bewitcher is however not unknown to fans of heavy metal, Motörhead and Venom style, which have not failed to taste his first self-titled album and especially "Under The Witching Cross", respectively released in 2016 and 2019. Let's be clear, fallen in the pot of NWOBHM, the Americans invent absolutely nothing (this is not the point).
Power trio like their illustrious references, the guys from Portland are content to go straight to the point with great blows of bleeding riffs, vocals soaked in Jack Daniels and Z series witchcraft. No pretense or artifice. Some black metal elements also come to the surface but the whole furiously gives the desire to tap feet and drink beers and evokes more a world of bikers (from hell, though, like in a good old movie) than macabre forbidden rituals.
Does this make Bewitcher a bad band and this record a dispensable album? Absolutely not. After a useless intro, 'Death Returns...' grabs us right away with its irresistible and turbulent start. 'Satanick Magick Attack' follows with the same velocity and efficiency, setting in motion half an hour of overexcited heavy metal music that smells like leather. But 'Electric Phantoms', with its timid foggy atmospheres, the creeping 'Valley of The Ravens' which sees Unholy Weaver of Shadows & Incantations (that's the name of the singer and guitarist!) mimic Abbath for a result that sounds inevitably very Immortal or, to a lesser extent, 'Metal Burner' with its hints of old Iron Maiden, point out a menu (a little) less linear than what its speedy and barbarian start could make us think.
It's a pity that Bewitcher doesn't abandon from time to time this rough and wild groove, without which, it's true, "Cursed By Thy Kingom" wouldn't be what it is, that is to say a good slice of heavy music with black metal touches, direct and primary. Those who already know the Americans won't be disappointed or surprised, the others will discover this ideal opus for swallowing the miles while riding a powerful machine. - Official website
01. Ashe 02. Death Returns 03. Satanick Magick Attack 04. Electric Phantoms 05. Mystifier (White Night City) 06. Cursed Be Thy Kingdom 07. Valley Of The Ravens 08. Metal Burner 09. The Widow s Blade 10. Sign of the Wolf
Aris Wales: Batterie Infernal Magus Of Nocturnal Alchemy: Basse Unholy Weaver Of Shadows & Incantations: Chant / Guitares
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