""Trapped" seems to be the work we've been waiting for from a band as talented as King Company, who find here their way within the landscape of the most muscular melodic hard rock."
After two albums with two different singers, King Company had shown an undeniable talent, but also some difficulties to assert a real personality. The fact that Ilkka Keskitalo (Lost Kingdom, The Black Nail) has taken over the position of singer from Leonard F. Guillan does not reassure us as to the stability of the band and the determination of a line of conduct. This impression is reinforced by the fact that Keskitalo works in a register closer to that of Pasi Rantanen (singer on the first opus "One For The Road" - 2016) than to that of his predecessor on "Queen Of Hearts" (2018), thus giving the sensation of a possible turning back from the quintet.
Yet, this is indeed one of the main strengths of "Trapped" which sees King Company fully assume its Finnish identity. Indeed, beyond a line-up entirely coming from the country of a thousand lakes, the quintet doesn't hesitate to bring some discreet touches reminding with evidence several local bands. First of all, there is Ilkka Keskitalo's voice, which is reminiscent of Pekka Ansio Heino's from Brother Firetribe but with a little more power and depth. In a whole devoted to a melodic and muscular hard rock that could not be denied by One Desire ('Fair Winds'), Mirka Rantanen's band offers some winks to Stratovarius when it distils some more metallic touches in some tracks ('Trapped In Heart') and especially by multiplying the superb duels between guitar and keyboards during gleaming solos. And how not to think of Lordi with the ample and monumental synths of 'Cold Killing Game'?
But these elements should not let us believe that "Trapped" is only a tribute to the Finnish metal. It is indeed a superb collection of small melodic hits with several choruses that haunt you for a long time. Impossible to escape the hyper-catchy 'I Will Be Here' with its scathing riff and epileptic drums, the bewitching and melancholic 'Stephanie' or the unstoppable 'Dangerous Tonight' . Power is also present on the gleaming 'Screen Is Your Life', the angry 'Nothing For Free' or the infectious 'Nobody's Fool'. King Company is also able to integrate some light progressive touches, thus conferring a more majestic approach to 'Death Of Souls' playing on the intensity of its mid-tempo or to the epic 'Stars Will Lead The Way'.
Coherent and varied, powerful and melodic, catchy and moving, "Trapped" seems to be the work we expected from a band as talented as King Company. With this dynamic and balanced opus, the Finns strike a great blow and declare themselves as unavoidable candidates for the first places of the annual releases of the genre. We can only hope that the quintet will finally stabilize the presence of their singer on their next albums and that they will confirm this success with their next release. In the meantime, you have to rush on this collection of little gems with melodies as shimmering as muscular. - Official website
01. I Will Be Here - 3:40 02. Trapped in Heart - 4:14 03. Stephanie - 4:40 04. Dangerous Tonight - 3:18 05. Death of Soul - 5:35 06. Screen Is Your Life - 3:49 07. Nothing for Free - 4:08 08. Fair Winds - 3:59 09. Cold Killing Game - 4:42 10. Nobody’s Fool - 5:05 11. Stars Will Lead the Way - 4:42
Antti "eversti" Wirman: Guitares Ilkka Keskitalo: Chant Jari Pailamo: Claviers Mirka " Leka" Rantanen: Batterie Time Schleifer: Basse
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