""Immortal Tradition", the first album of Ritva Nero, offers us eight tracks composed in reference to the traditional folk dances of the Great North, associating traditional instruments with a typical metal rhythm section."
Young Finnish band created in 2017 at the initiative of Sanna Salonone, soprano saxophone virtuoso, Ritva Nero offers us its first album, in a style mixing traditional dance music of the nineteenth century with a rhythmic section typical metal. To achieve this, Sanna Salonone has added two traditional instrumentalists, ensuring with the nickelharpa and the Finnish bagpipe the color of the inspirations coming from the 19th century. On the other hand, the rhythmic bass/drums section is carried by two instrumentalists evolving in metal sounding projects.
"Immortal Tradition" offers us eight tracks composed in reference to the traditional folk dances of the Great North, led by the soprano saxophone which regularly gives them a klezmer music coloration. Moreover, listening to 'Dragon Quadrille' and its overdriven rhythmic reminds us of a certain 'Leopolda' so rightly interpreted in its time by Louis de Funès! Nevertheless, the marriage of the saxophone and the Finnish bagpipes offers a delicious melting-pot, especially since the orchestrations proposed by the nickelharpa make the whole particularly rich, while the virtuosity and the finesse of interpretation of the three protagonists turn out to be deliciously subtle.
To accompany all this, the rhythmic section and its vigor described as metal is rather in tune with the folkloric color. Certainly, the drums compete of dexterity in the unbridled rhythmic strikes while also proposing subtle progressive variations (the counter-beat of 'Moshpit Mazurka' for example), certainly the bass comes sometimes to the forefront, but we are nevertheless very far from what is in force in the typified metal formations. And rather than supplanting the folkloric part, the production of this rhythm section gives it a real vigor that we do not necessarily find in projects of the same style.
Beyond simple dances revisited, Ritva Nero deploys in regular developments a real talent of original composition as for example in the central part of 'Kaks'askelvalssi', which increases the interest of it. It is difficult to determine what direction the next releases of this young band will take, but for a first try, "Immortal Traditions" is certainly a master stroke. - Official website
01. Trepatska Thrasher 02. Slayer of Schottische 03. Moshpit Mazurka 04. Megapolka 05. Rahapolska Helsingista¨ 06. Kaks'askelvalssi 07. Dragon Quadrille 08. Rutvan polkka 09. Master of Maanitus
Emilia Lajunen: Nyckelharpa Jani Snellman: Basse Patrik Fält: Batterie Petri Prauda: Cornemuse Sanna Salonen: Saxophone
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