"Perfect conclusion of the essential previous opus, this "Dystopia Part II" is a new gem from the Danes of Royal Hunt."
In 2020, after two disappointing albums, Royal Hunt had reassured with a remarkable "Dystopia". The Danes, rediscovering the conceptual and melodic inspirations of their best productions had then conceived one of their most beautiful opus. Built on the foundations of Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451", monument of the dystopian anticipation literature, it deserved a conclusive continuation. "Dystopia Part II", second volume of this concept-album, is thus proposed to us today.
To begin the comparisons, let's note that the cover and the staff are the same. So much so that the same stars have been invited to compete with DC Cooper for some vocal jousts. Among them, let's mention Henrik Brockmann, the first singer of the band, and Mark Boals, frontman of a more recent past. The five additional voices bring a diversity of tessituras that accentuate the cinematic side of the work.
Royal Hunt has undoubtedly put down a trademark. Its approach of the symphonic-progressive melodic metal is recognizable between thousand. It is pleasant to find here everything that makes the strength of the combo. Symphonic bursts, rhythmic flights worthy of classical music scores, multiple changes of tempo, omnipresence of keyboards and strings leading the listener to the heart of majestic whirlwinds. Not to mention the know-how that elevates the melody to a vital necessity.
Like its predecessor, this subtly harmonious album is a perfect success. Its poignant luxuriance transports and moves. Its sumptuous elegance borders on the sublime. Her masterful vocal harmonies passionately breathe life into the stories told in this monument of goldsmithery. From this block of happiness it is complicated to make a title emerge: too many beautiful moments scattered in so many places make the intention incongruous. At the most, we could note, for the anecdote, the hallucinating keyboard/guitar jam of the instrumental 'The Purge' and its musical theme resuming the one of 'Black Butterflies' discovered on the previous album.
When it reaches such a level, Royal Hunt is unavoidable. A perfect conclusion of the indispensable previous opus, this "Dystopia Part II" would deserve a media exposure that it will not get. Let's hope that it will at least get the success it deserves within the various fans orbiting the hard rock planet. - Official website
01. Midway (resumption) 02. Thorn In My Heart 03. The Key Of Insanity 04. Live Another Day 05. The Purge 06. One More Shot 07. Scream Of Anger 08. Left In The Wind 09. Resurrection F451
Andre Andersen: Claviers Andreas ‘habo’ Johansson: Batterie Andreas Passmark: Basse Dc Cooper: Chant Jonas Larsen : Guitares Alexandra Andersen: Chant / Invité Henrik Brockmann: Chant / Invité Kenny Lubcke: Chant / Invité Mark Boals: Chant / Invité Mats Leven: Chant / Invité
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