"Psygnosis' "Mercury" is a sublime record destined to become a metal classic!"
Psygnosis is a band apart in the metal galaxy, offering not only music somewhere between progressive and classical, but also an immersive musical experience. The compositions on "Neptune", their last album, were full of epic moments guided by a magnificent cello and programmed drums. Since then, Thomas Crémier (drums) has joined the ranks to bring his nervous, human touch, while Elise Dugli Masliah chimes in with guitars as dreamlike as they are furious. This is "Mercury", a galactic guide for a journey to Mercury, light-years away from propriety, in a universe of multiple vibrations between Beethoven, Mozart, Hypno5e and Entombed.
Everything is a mirage, so blurred and permeable are the musical boundaries. It's impossible to classify Psygnosis' music, even when the drums are blasting. The album alternates between tension and release, between lulls - cozy refuges invaded by superb cello melodies ('Öpik-Oort') or hypnotic arpeggios - and roars, when the rhythmic beat goes wild ('Uranometria') and the guitar, amidst leaden riffs, diffuses whistling harmonics in the style of metalcore or djent. These antagonisms don't erase the sweetness, for it is the center of attraction and falls like a shower of crystalline s when six-string and four-string combine to weave a moving harmonic weave ('Sunshine'). Filled with variations, the album follows in Hypno5e's footsteps with the same ardor, the same taste for mysterious atmospheres and striking contrasts.
Solid and coherent, "Mercury" is a sensory voyage of flowing melodies. With no technical demonstrations, its sublime cello, hushed ambiences and emotional power make it the band's finest album to date. Psygnosis has found the right balance between reverie and rage, the ideal tone to touch the heart. An album destined to become a classic. - Official website
01. Öpik-Oort - 12:33 02. Eclipse - 10:38 03. Sunshine - 08:57 04. Caloris Basin - 08:43 05. Uranometria - 15:27
Elise Masliah: Guitares Raphaël Verguin: Violoncelle Rémi Vanhove: Guitares / Samples, Drum Programing Thomas Crémier: Batterie
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