"With "Hand Of God", Endless delivers an album of hard-hitting heavy Thrash Metal that never neglects to leave room for catchy melodies."
The release of "Hand Of God" is the culmination of a long process for Endless. It all began in the early 90s under the name E.N.D. After line-up changes and a few divergences, the duo formed by Olivier and Jean-Marc reunited in early 2020 and composed relentlessly. Several EPs saw the light of day before culminating in the release of the album.
Endless leans towards thrash with a hint of heavy. The music is hard-hitting, and there's a touch of Megadeth in Olivier's voice, with an edgy, vicious edge. The riffs are energetic, and the solo work is remarkable, combining speed and virtuosity. Endless's masterpiece is 'Hand Of God', a mainly instrumental track with an 80s flavour. For over ten minutes, it's a cross between Metallica for its melodic power and Iron Maiden for its progressive aerial passages.
Before turning to thrash, 'The Downfall Of Fallujah' features a long, melodic and melancholy opening. In a calmer register, 'Hell-O' alternates between 70's and 80's feeling. There's an airy, Scorpions-like quality, while the thrashy side is reminiscent of Metallica's early days. Pure ballad, 'Golden Rules' seduces with its emotional side carried by a vocal full of feeling.
Endless's "Hand Of God" is an effective heavy thrash record. It features solid bombs worthy of the best bands in the genre, and also leaves plenty of room for catchy melodies. - Official website
01. Science knows 02. Follow the lightning 03. The downfall of Fallujah 04. Cherry blossom 05. Hell-o 06. Hands Of God 07. 12 o’clock at Rotenburg 08. God’s tired seeing bullshit of his sons 09. Death Is Nothing 10. Golden rules 11. From the shadows to the light 12. Stupid french men
Holypied: Chant / Guitares / Basse Jeandark: Batterie
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