"In “Ocean Without A Shore”, Weather Systems attempts to revive a universe we thought lost, without quite succeeding."
Some of you will have noticed the link between the name of this new band and Anathema's 2012 album “Weather Systems”. Indeed, Weather Systems is the project of Daniel Cavanagh and Daniel Cardoso, respectively singer and drummer of Anathema, a band we lost touch with after the announcement of their bankruptcy in 2020.
The vast majority of tracks on “Ocean Without A Shore” were written during Anathema's 2019 sessions. So, logically, we find the band's original color and atmospheres, as ethereal as ever, with the famous vocal harmonies of the masters, solo or in duet with Lee Douglas' replacement, Soraia Silva, the long power rises that end in sonic explosions, the alternation between acoustic and saturation, and always this science of melancholic melody that hits the bull's eye.
The picture could have been idyllic, and the reunion perfect, if it hadn't been for a few shortcomings that could certainly be found in Anathema's previous work, but which are very much present here. Firstly, the repetitive aspect of many tracks, which tirelessly repeat the same bars, such as the very/too-long “Synaesthesia”, the redundant “Do Angels Sing Like Rain” or “Ocean Without A Shore”, which stretches needlessly over more than three minutes. Then, while the pleasure of rediscovering Anathema is here, the impression of "already heard" is particularly striking. Indeed, every track is a replica of one already released, and only 'The Space Between Us' seems to be original. A final shortcoming that has always hovered over Anathema is the lack of technique and madness, particularly on the solos, which are content to churn out a few held notes.
There's no doubt that the ultimate fan will be satisfied with this delivery from Weather Systems, which is objectively not lacking in assets and, above all, revives a universe we might have thought lost forever. As for the rest of us, we'll undoubtedly vacillate between the guilty pleasure of a few truly exhilarating passages and the sad impression of having to deal with nothing more than a generic album from a band we still miss so much. - Official website
01. Synaesthesia 02. Do Angels Sing Like Rain? 03. Untouchable Part 3 04. Ghost In The Machine 05. Are You There? Part 2 06. Still Lake 07. Take Me With You 08. Ocean Without A Shore 09. The Space Between Us
Daniel Cardoso: Batterie Daniel Cavanagh: Chant / Guitares / Basse / Claviers / Piano Oliwia Krettek: Chant / Invité Paul Kearns: Chant / Invité Petter Carlsen: Chant / Invité Soraia: Chant / Invité
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Pour ma part, je trouve cet album tres bon. Certes, ça sonne comme du Anathema déjà entendu mais justement, n’est-ce pas ce qu’un fan d’Anathema, endeuillé par leur split, attend? Pour ma part j’y entends toute l’émotion et les sonorités de ce groupe que je chérissais et ce projet permet de donner vie à ce qui aurait dû être le successeur de The Optimist. Le single est probablement le morceau le plus oubliable mais le reste de l’album me replonge mais le reste est une sorte de suite à Weather Systems, l’un des 3 chefs d’oeuvre d’Anathema avec Judgement et Natural Disaster. Apres, on ne peut pas s’empecher d’imaginer Lee et Vincent au chant, en ce disant qu’ils sont irremplacables. En bref, cet album peut ravir les amateurs qui y voient un cadeau bonus post-mortem ou les décevoir, voir agacer, car ils y verraient une sorte d’Anathema-CanadaDry (ca a le don d’Anathema, la saveur d’Anathema mais ce n’est pas Anathema)
Une prod catastrophique et un simili Anathema en moins riche et subtil. Dommage.
L'extrait proposé ne donne pas envie d'aller plus loin : qu'est-ce que c'est ch... ! La même ritournelle à la guitare pendant 5 minutes, c'est pénible. Les dernières productions d'Anathema finissaient par tourner en rond, on reste visiblement dans la même veine pour cette résurgence. Je passe mon tour
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