""Tell No Tales" allows TNT to join the world's hard FM elite."
TNT's discography is strewn with some gems, and if "My Religion" is the last one, we are surely dealing here with the first one with this 'Tell No Tales' which allows the American-Norwegian to join the world elite of the style.
However, the least we can say is that the cover has nothing to catch the attention, in the good sense of the term. And yet, once the album is put on your turntable, you are ready for a good half hour (it's true that it's a bit short) of very high level Hard FM. Three of the band's greatest hits will knock you out right away. The explosive 'Everyone's A Star' and its irresistible riff, '10.000 Lovers (In One)' and its vocal demonstration of Mr. Harnell, and the hit 'As Far As The Eye Can See'. It should be noted that these three tracks were still part of the setlist before Tony Harnell left.
It's hard to stand up after such a slap. This is followed by two instrumental breaks 'Sapphire' and 'Smooth Syncopation' on which Ronnie Le Tekro uses his unique technique to give free rein to his fantasies. The classic ballad 'Child Plays' intersperses between these two musical moments to allow the listener to recover. But, we hardly have time to breathe when the irresistible 'Listen To Your Heart', a real FM pearl, sets off again at high speed, followed by the no less FM yet heavier 'Desperate Nights'. The second break is owed to the superb 'Northern Lights', an aerial ballad as the band likes them and of which they master art to perfection. The martial break 'Incipits' restarts the machine before the speed 'Tell No Tales' comes to go us off the deep end.
The trip was short, but it will be unforgettable. The impeccable rhythmic of Morty Black and Diesel Dahl at the service of the concrete riffs and inimitable soli of Ronni Le Tekro, and the warm, powerful and charismatic voice of Tony Harnell, here is an alchemy which takes all its value with this album, and the follow-up will come to prove us that it is not a question of chance. - Official website
01. Everyone's A Star - 03:21 02. 10,000 Lovers (In One) - 02:54 03. As Far As The Eye Can See - 03:41 04. Sapphire [instrumental] - 01:14 05. Child's Play - 04:25 06. Smooth Syncopation [instrumental] - 00:50 07. Listen To Your Heart - 03:18 08. Desperate Night - 03:33 09. Northern Lights - 04:10 10. Incipits [instrumental] - 00:50 11. Tell No Tales - 02:21
Diesel Dahl: Batterie Morty Black: Basse / Claviers Ronni Le Tekro: Guitares Tony Harnell: Chant
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