"Far from the style that will make his fame, Pendragon delivers with "Kowtow" one of his weakest records."
Kowtow is an album released in the middle of a dark period for progressive rock ... Those years (late 80's, early 90's) when disco, new wave and other kinds were flooding in, making the body move to the detriment of the ears. It is in this context that Pendragon releases this second album, 3 years after The Jewel (and 3 years before the next one !).
This little preamble will perhaps allow some people to better understand (and perhaps forgive) why this so endearing band could release this motley object too close to commercial music. The first 3 titles are to be quickly forgotten. Even if Nick Barrett's voice and guitar are there, they are stuck in a bland popular "soup". The intro of "Time For A Change" and its Depeche Mode style drums illustrates this point and reinforces dismay.
The three ballads that follow, "I Wake The Rope", "2 am" and "Total Recall", raise the level a bit but remain below the slow compositions that Barrett will be able to create for us afterwards. We have to wait for "The Haunting" to hear Pendragon worthy of the name. The start is a little tedious, but the good neo-prog that we're entitled to wait for finally shows up and, considering the global level of the album, this track is excellent. We'll pass quickly enough on a "Solid Heart" too pop to be really interesting and we'll linger on the second half of the eponymous and yet ultimate track. As a finale, the last 5 minutes of "Kowtow" will leave the listener on a good impression, just enough to get in condition for the excellent albums to come.
Kowtow don't get the average even if behind the weakness of a good half of the compositions lies the excellence of a future great band, spearhead of the neo-prog movement, which still enchants the lovers of the genre today. - Official website
01. Saved By You - 03:58 02. The Mask - 04:01 03. Time For A Change - 03:56 04. I Walk The Rope - 04:47 05. 2 Am - 04:14 06. Total Recall - 07:00 07. The Haunting - 10:40 08. Solid Heart - 04:20 09. Kowtow 08:56
Clive Nolan: Claviers / Choeurs Fudge Smith: Batterie Julian Siegal: Saxophone Nick Barrett: Chant / Guitares Peter Gee: Basse / Choeurs
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