""Trash" is a succession of FM "hits" with immediately memorable and catchy choruses."
The best way to define Alice Cooper is by the numbers: 39 years of solo career, 29 studio albums of which 14 will be in the English charts, 11 live albums and 23 compilations... It is obvious that one does not go through forty years without difficulties, especially in the world of music and Alice Cooper will have, like all artists, his share of highs, of lows, successes (School's Out, Billion Dollar Babies), disillusions (from 1980 to 1986) and detoxification cures... It is also obvious that one does not go through forty years of career without making one's music evolve. If some people are content to modernize a little, Alice Cooper has become a master in changing genres according to trends ranging from old school rock to heavy metal, through hard rock and even glam. Appreciating all the periods of Alice Cooper can therefore be a feat as the man has been influenced by the musical references of the different eras he has lived through.
In this year 1989, Alice Cooper is not at his best. Sober for 3 years, the albums which followed one another did not have the expected success. He then decides to strike a big blow by joining not only the services of the producer Desmond Child (Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Kiss) but also those of the members of Aerosmith and Bon Jovi. The result of this meeting will be the greatest commercial success since "Billion Dollar Baby" was released sixteen years ago.
First title, first worldwide hit. "Poison" will be on all the rock compilations of the year. The recipe: a minimalist verse built on a deep and rough vocals and a few guitar notes, followed by a "catchy" chorus in the purest tradition of the 80's with its huge choruses, brought, and it must be emphasized, by a drum kit with a touch close to a drum machine, followed by a mini solo of about fifteen notes and finally the return to the chorus which ends in a fade out... Simple and effective.
And in this Hard FM register, Alice Cooper will offer us a panel of titles with refrains all more catchy than the others ("House Of Fire", "Bed Of Nails", "Sparkle in The Dark", ...). And to drive the nail in, the man is going to reward us with two ballads which will have made their small effect at the time of the release of the album and which in 2008 still manage to provoke some emotions ("Only My Heat Talking" and "Hell Is Living Without You").
So what can we conclude in front of this abundance of formatted FM titles, most of which made a hit in 1989. Personally, I would simply say that they correspond well to an era, the 80's, and that they contain what one wishes to find when listening to this kind of record, namely a total absence of complexity and immediately memorable and catchy choruses. - Official website
01. Poison 02. Spark Of The Dark 03. House Of Fire 04. Why Trust You 05. Only My Heart Talkin' 06. Bed Of Nails 07. This Maniac's In Love With You 08. Trash 09. Hell Is Living Without You 10. I'm Your Gun
Alice Cooper : Chant Bobby Chouinard: Batterie Hugh McDonald: Basse John McCurry: Guitares Paul Chiten: Claviers
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