"In spite of a very debatable artistic quality, Venom offers itself with "Black Metal" the luxury to become the new international figure of Heavy Metal."
Is it really necessary to introduce Venom, the band that defined a culture and the forerunner of the cult of Satan in music? Venom is the inventor of extreme metal, either thrash, death, black or other, especially with their second album, the mythical "Black Metal". Their first try, the no less cult "Welcome To Hell", had propelled this small British band to the forefront of the N.W.O.B.H.M scene in full swing.
We could spend hours debating the band's now ridiculous image, but Venom is also, and above all, music. The most violent band of the time being Motörhead, the rock'n'roll influence of Lemmy and his friends is obvious here. Big jerky riffs, not very subtle, supported by an omnipresent bass and a more-efficient drumming. We might as well say that we can hardly wonder about the quality, artistically speaking. But Venom, it's mostly listened to for the violence, the lyrical aggressiveness, carried by Cronos, the only permanent member of the band, and his inimitable rocky voice.
"Black Metal" is above all the biggest collection of hits of the band, starting with the excellent title track and the anthem "Countess Bathory" (now you know where the name of the late Quorthon band comes from...). Songs based on 4 or 5 chords that you get a slap in the face. There are also darker, more ambient tracks, like "Buried Alive", although they are years away from the atmospheres of what we call today Black-Metal. But they are the bursts of violence, like "Raise The Dead" or "Don't Burn The Witch", which remain the most delightful moments. "Teacher's Pet", another standard that is hard to miss, remains a really funny moment for its central bridge where we can hear the band members bawling, whistling and singing their heads off in studio. It's an evidence that one can practice the cult of death and be a real pain in the ass.
With "Black Metal", Venom had the luxury of becoming the new international figure of Heavy-Metal, the satanic and voluntarily ultra-provocative imagery undoubtedly causing many young people in search of new thrills to shudder. An image that quickly turned out to be a big joke and a very effective commercial trademark! Metal owes a lot to Venom (didn't a group of kids named Metallica make their first part in 1982?), even if musically, it's at the level of noisy youngsters in the neighbor's garage.
- Official website
01. Black Metal - 3:40 02. To Hell And Back - 3:00 03. Buried Alive - 4:16 04. Raise The Dead - 2:45 05. Teacher's Pet - 4:41 06. Leave Me In Hell - 3:33 07. Sacrifice - 4:27 08. Heaven's On Fire - 3:40 09. Countess Bathory - 3:44 10. Don't Burn The Witch - 3:20 11. At War With Satan (preview) - 5:34
Abaddon: Batterie Cronos: Chant / Basse Mantas: Guitares
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