Plagued by a poor ending, "Face The Heat" remains a decent album from Scorpions, with many classic and effective tracks.
- 23/06/2010
Less Roots and constant than "Green River", less varied than "Willy And The Poor Boys", "Cosmo's Factory" does not demerit for all that by presenting a Creedence Clearwater Revival sure of itself and in full possession of its capacities.
- 12/10/2015
Varied, spontaneous and lyrical, 'Willy And The Poor Boys' remains to this day one of the best productions of Creedence Clearwater Revival, a unique band in rock history.
- 09/10/2015
Filled with major titles which made its fame, we have undoubtedly with "Signal" the ideal album to discover the universe of a so particular and often precursory band.
- 21/01/2009
Deeper and richer in various emotions than its predecessors, a true calling card of an unavoidable band, "Green River" is an indispensable album.
- 08/10/2015
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