"Lunatic Soul deliver with "Under A Fragmented Sky" a cathartic album at the same time dark and luminous."
The loss of a friend, of a loved one, is always something that is not easy to deal with, even more so for an artist. Either the latter risks closing in on himself and to abandon everything, or, on the contrary, his inspiration, which could be described as life-saving in such a situation, is multiplied tenfold. This latter vision of things has become Mariuz Duda's leitmotiv with his Lunatic Soul project, after the sudden death of riverside's guitarist.
Like "The Eye Of Soundscape" of which he could be the twin brother, the album is essentially instrumental, as if the music alone could express the deepest feelings of its progenitor, leaving it to the listener to make them his own. The album opens with 'He Av En' built on spacious, ethereal and almost infinitely stretched electro notes in the form of a loop on which are grafted different musical strata bringing a beautiful and memorable density to the track. It's on this rather ambient and hovering electro base that the majority of the tracks that compose "Under A Fragmented Sky" are articulated. Thus 'Trials', almost instrumental, is a call to introspection by a hypnotic first half that will be darkened by a heavier and lower synthetic track end.
Beneath this apparent coldness, there are a few moments where time seems to be suspended thanks to the organic chords of a dry guitar in 'Sorrow' which transpires, with a commendable restraint, the pain Mariusz may feel. This track serves as an introduction to the sublime eponymous electro-acoustic piece, sung in canon, which generates an immense and muffled density to give shivers and ends with the reprise at the very end of the theme of 'He Av En'.
Don't be fooled, this album which contrasts with the previous Lunatic Soul albums is even darker and more tormented, like on the slow and pachydermic 'Shadow' lit only by a slightly brighter ending. The bravura track on the album remains 'The Art Of Repairing', a kind of progressive electro track despite the pronounced absence of breaks. The track starts with very eighties notes that are enriched by synthetic, almost pastoral choirs, piano and a more sustained rhythmic. The album ends with a very beautiful positive song, 'Untamed', where Mariuzs lays his so calm and soothing voice.
An album that is both introspective and demonstrative, "Under A Fragmented Sky" is, hopefully, the end of a painful chapter for its author who wanted to go through this musical cure to express his pain and heal his wounds. The blue has given way to the red of anger (all contained), let's bet for the artist, once the page is turned, a more azure sky. - Official website
01. He Av En - 4:03 02. Trials - 5:43 03. Sorrow - 1:29 04. Under the Fragmented Sky - 5:01 05. Shadows - 4:30 06. Rising The Night - 3:55 07. The Art of Repairing - 7:54 08. Untamed
Mariusz Duda: Chant / Guitares / Basse / Claviers / Batterie Lorenzo Dramowicz: Batterie / Invité
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