""Dream Higher" sees Pride Of Lions assert its trademark and offer a delicious rejuvenation to fans of the best AOR of the 80s."
When "Lion Heart" was released in 2020, we lamented the total lack of risk-taking on the part of Pride Of Lions. The return of the Peterik / Hitchcock pair three years later, with a cover curiously reminiscent of Disney's The Lion King, does little to reassure us, and leaves us fearing that the Americans haven't really decided to move away from their 80's image. And yet, surprising as it may seem, we're delighted to see that our previous comments have not been taken into account.
Indeed, far from modernizing the elements of an identity that is now well established in the AOR landscape, the duo has, on the contrary, decided to take on even more of the roots that its main composer worked so hard to create back in the day with Survivor. "Dream Higher sounds furiously old-fashioned, and that's what makes it so charming, or what will irritate some, depending on whether you were lucky enough to be immersed in that decade blessed by the melodic gods, or whether you're an unconditional follower of modernity. The single 'Blind To Reason' is a perfect example of this, right down to its video featuring teenage emotions. This is typically the kind of track that could have been part of the soundtrack to a "Rocky" or a "Karate Kid" back in the day.
The opus as a whole exudes the glory days of AOR through every track, multiplying optimistic and courageous pieces ('Dream Higher', 'Another Life') with unstoppable choruses, and more nervous but still furiously melodic protrusions ('Find Somebody To Love', 'Renegade Heart'). The ballads are fearsomely classic and straight to the point ('My Destiny', 'Everything To Live For'), while summoning the spirit of the performers of 'The Search Is Over'. And so as not to sink completely into self-parody, Pride Of Lions doesn't hesitate to distill a few West Coast elements here ('Driving And Dreaming') or a slightly jazzy Toto-style there ('Through It All').
Assuming that he has no lessons to learn from anyone when it comes to 80s AOR, Pride Of Lions asserts his trademark with talent and authority. Those who don't appreciate this musical genre will continue to despise it in whatever form it takes, so it's best not to be picky, and to please fans and other greying heads who first fell in love with the sounds of Foreigner, Toto, Journey and... Survivor. For all of them, "Dream Higher" will be a delicious rejuvenation. As for the others, they'd better move on, because there's nothing for them here. - Official website
01. Blind To Reason - 4:40 02. Dream Higher - 4:29 03. My Destiny - 3:56 04. Find Somebody To Love - 4:16 05. Another Life - 3:57 06. Renegade Heart - 4:23 07. Driving And Dreaming - 5:11 08. Through It All - 5:20 09. Everything To Live For - 3:23 10. Generational - 4:34
Bob Lizik: Basse Christian Cullen: Claviers Ed Breckenfeld: Batterie Jim Peterik: Chant / Guitares / Claviers Mike Aquino: Guitares Toby Hitchcock: Chant
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